Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Android Quick App: FishNotes by Jimmy Houston


Even hardcore Android geeks need a break from the shell and their code editor every now and then, and I like to spend some time getting a line wet at one of the many creeks and streams around my area.  I'm not the best fisherman around, and I'm certainly not at the level of expertise you see from fishing professionals (what a job, eh?), but like everyone else who shares my passion for angling, I'd love to catch more, and bigger, fish.  The secret to doing this, according to the experts, is to keep track of the when, where, and how you catch them so you can repeat what's successful, and have a plan for any conditions.

What if you had an application for your Android phone (any version of Android is supported) that could help, and even fill in many of the important details for you?  You would have the records and locations, and know what to look for the next time your out.  Well we have such an app, FishNotes by Jimmy Houston.  It's not cheap -- it checks in at a whopping $12.99, so I think it's pretty important to give this one a close look so you can decide if it's for you.  We cover it all, with a mess of screenshots and the download link, after the break.

Android Quick App: FishNotes by Jimmy Houston posted originally by Android Central

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/TF_ZHVDjKgE/android-quick-app-fishnotes-jimmy-houston

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